Monday, July 2, 2012

Goodbye Mr. Finance Minister, Thank You For Nothing: Lessons From A Bad Leader

The past week saw a resignation from India’s Finance Minister.  In all honesty, let us begin with the positives concerning this man:

He is a highly learned man with a complete knowledge over law and governance.

He adorns an amiable nature and can reach out to any person including members of the opposition.

Let us now focus on the number one reason for his survival and dominance in politics – He was Mrs. Indira Gandhi’s most ardent devotee.  Pure and Simple.

India’s economic deterioration over the past three years can be solely attributed to him.  He was a complete failure and has left the country in a deep crisis.  Most of our economic indicators are worse than 1991 – corruption, inflation, current account deficit, fiscal deficit etc.  Every sector of the country is in crises – Agriculture, Industry and Services.

This is a blog about purity and prosperity.  Politics and Politicians have no permission to stink up this blog.  However, we will discuss this person without getting political.

He was never the leader.  This is because people know who the real leader is.  No, it is not the Prime Minister, which it should be - logically speaking.  It is the Chairperson of the Coalition Government.  The Chairperson does not understand finance or economics.  The primary task of the chairperson is to stabilize government and ensure the return to power.

Herein lays the conflict – good economics v/s the desire to remain in power.  (Have you  noticed that politicians want to come to power – they never want to come and govern!)

The leader is never concerned about hierarchical position – the only concern is about being effective.  The current prime minister was working under the finance minister in the 1980s as the Governor of The Reserve Bank.  The situation reversed in 2009 wherein the Governor became the Prime Minister and the Finance Minister was still the Finance Minister!  This fact created a communication logjam between the two people and so we had a finance minister working independent of the Prime Minister and India suffered as a result.  The FM must now surpass the PM and so the nomination for the President’s post.

The Finance Minister was a sour-puss and a bad loser.   Leaders cannot afford to have that kind of a reputation -they need to earn their respect.  The Government of India lost a prestigious taxation case against a telecom company.  The Supreme Court verdict was very clear.  The FM amended the law with retrospective effect from 1962 so that he could win the case.  What kind of a leader does that?  The PM had given an assurance to his counterpart in the United Kingdom that India would not collect any retrospective tax but here was his FM doing exactly that!

The President of India is a titular head with little powers.  No great leadership is required for this post.  I guess it suits fine for the FM.

It is rumored that when the chairperson of the coalition government announced the FM’s candidature, the person who clapped the loudest was the PM.

Let us celebrate to that!

©Nitesh Kotecha

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