Saturday, February 16, 2013

I Told Ya!

The Honorable Supreme Court of India, on Feb 15 2013, decided to rid India of the scourge of VIP security.  Below is an excerpt from a report from Economic Times / India times.

NEW DELHI: The Supreme Court has held that VIPs do not have the first right of way on public roads, while criticising the widely prevalent "red-light" culture in the country. A two-judge bench said beacons, sirens and security assigned to people other than constitutional heads and their state counterparts must go, terming the provision of these facilities to such a large number of people at state expense as "oppressive symbols of our democracy".

"Every citizen has a fundamental right to use public roads. Which is the power that says that X category has prior right to use roads, have precedence in traffic?" Justice GS Singhvi asked on Thursday. The remarks were made in response to a petition seeking to question the constitutional propriety of holding up traffic for VIPs. "Even if there is a power, is it to be used in an indiscriminate manner?"

These powers, Singhvi said, were "misused frequently to create havoc for ordinary citizens". None except emergency services and constitutional functionaries should get security without a genuine threat perception, he added. "What is the genesis of the red light culture? How many have lost their lives because they could not reach the hospital on time because of VIP movement? We have become indifferent and insensitive as a society. This is the worst crime in a democracy. Does anyone understand the value of life?"

Singhvi offered to lead the way by cutting down on judges' security. "Remove red lights. Allow entry (into courts) without stopping traffic," he said, adding, "Many may not like it, but it (the security) has become silly, ridiculous."

Both judges singled out P Chidambaram and George Fernandes for praise on this count. "A former HM went around without any security," Singhvi said. In this regard, Justice Gokhale pointed out that Fernandes did not have any security even as defence minister. Justice HL Gokhale said the large sums of money spent on the security of 1 per cent of the population could be used to improve the lot of the ordinary citizens.

"The police force seems to have become a private security force. Sometimes, those with criminal records get security in situations of their own making," he said. The court also asked states and Union Territories to furnish within four weeks details of expenses incurred in providing security to public functionaries and other individuals.

States were also asked to specify the kind and quantum of security assigned to such persons, details of security assigned to family and relatives, both inside and outside, security assigned to those facing criminal charges, details of those provided state security in lieu of payments, information about any review of threat perceptions, and rules that allow police to shut roads to facilitate movement of public functionaries.

With regards to security for VIPs, amicus curiae Harish Salve said, "If the streets are unsafe, they have to be unsafe for all. You can't give more security to a secretary. Needless security for an individual or a genre of individuals amounts to wasting of tax-payers' money and is also unreasonable, and hence, violative of the right to equality."

"Even the British were not as heartless as we are. They were a small power trying to rule a big country; they had to do it. But now we do it to ourselves. The mindset is shocking. Nothing has changed. We have just replaced one set of rulers with another," he added.

Read more news about the Supreme Court of India at

Readers of this blog will recall my earlier blog on how there is only one institution in India that can save India.

However,  is it possible that the top leaders of the country have orchestrated this decision from the court so that they don’t have to worry about bringing this discipline from the parliament and compromising their political futures?

I don’t know... but the Supreme Court did it.  I told Ya!

© Nitesh Kotecha

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