Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Be An Astronaut Of Inner Space

Some time ago, I was attending a Parent’s meet at my child’s school.  Parents were asked to give on spot presentations on topics that ranged from the mundane to the esoteric.

I was asked to talk on “How can we make sense of our senses?”  Here is the basic gist of what I said.

Our sense organs allow us to explore the world as we know it. We touch, see, taste, hear and communicate.  This involves us in the downward journey of “pravrutti”.  There is much mundane joy in the exploration of our sense organs.

However, these very organs, when withdrawn from their obligatory duty of world exploration, do not give up their basic function and take us on another journey – the journey within.  We then become astronauts of our inner space.  This astral journey has no equals or parallels.  The river then merges with the ocean, losing all its individual identity and we become one with the cosmos.

Bon Voyage!

Copyright© Nitesh Kotecha

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