Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Be Grateful

Gratitude is an attitude that we have to develop.  Our material world offers us little opportunities in this regard.  We are grateful – but we have the attitude of gratitude only towards those things and beings wherein we have received the tangible gifts that permit us to be grateful.

The idea is to be grateful for the state, our existence.  We can begin by being grateful for the air that we breathe.  If it is really so hard to do that, we can put this in perspective, by comparing our state to that of a person who was buried underground in an earthquake or a landslide.  We suddenly see the matter in a whole new light.

Let gratefulness become our very being – like it is in our genes.  We can be grateful not just to everybody, but also to everything.   This metamorphosis will culminate in to a state where we have no complaints.  The absence of complaints will remove misery.  The absence of misery allows us to be happy and then we are in the rhythm of life where we simply exist with whatever we have.

To quote Sinead O’Conner
“so I'm walking through the desert,
and I am not frightened although it's hot;
I have all that I requested,
and I do not want what I haven't got;”

Copyright ©Nitesh Kotecha

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