Wednesday, February 1, 2012

You Are Not Death

People create death because they desire security.  It is the desire for security and safety that creates death that makes one afraid of life and hesitant of moving into the unknown.

There is much misconception about death.  I offer another way of looking at it.  Our culture reinforces the thought that when we die, we go to God.  However, God may be understood as a state where there is the disappearance of the ego.  I would like to quote the saint Hazrat Mujadid Alf Sani (RA)

“Moving in Allah is the stage in which the seeker moves from the station of Names and Attributes to a state which neither word nor sign can describe. This is the State of Existence in Allah called ‘Baqa’.”

This is a state where there is a complete denial of the self and the realization of God/ Bhagwan/ Allah / and losing one’s self in the love of God, as my friend Faruk Patel commented.

Death is nothing but the death of everything that prevents the disappearance of the ego.

©Nitesh Kotecha

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