Thursday, March 15, 2012

Shut the Shoulda and Cut the Coulda

If you pay a little attention to your words, you may find that the words  “should”,  “should not”, “could”, “could not”, “must”, “must not” etc., come up often.
These words rob us of our freedom to choose.  Life is never like that. It is important to use such words with great caution because of the way they occur to our brain.  They essential imply that there is/was no choice.

If we suggest to our brains about the paucity of choice, the subconscious will accept that suggestion and show us the red flag as and when such words are used.  This can severely impair our ability of moving away from conventional intelligence areas.  The idea that there exists one single solution will then creep in while simultaneously limiting our ability to deal with people unlike us.

A possible solution is to use words like “choose”, “chose not” in your communication.  This apparent change in our language brings us closer to the situation in an empowering sort of way.  We do choices and essentially we do choose from our options.
©Nitesh Kotecha

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