Thursday, November 3, 2011

Keep Going and Find Something Better to Do

David Packard, the co founder of Hewlett Packard always said that he was a human being first and CEO second.  He was a very quiet man and avoided publicity and limelight.  He is quoted as saying “You should not gloat about anything you have done; you ought to keep going and find something better to do”.

There are some lessons here.  Keep going means we cannot rest on our laurels.  This is a trap.  There are many celebrities who have ruined their lives only because they were too proud of their achievements.

Nature has shown that every great invention has been refined and improved upon.  There is nothing in this world that is so perfect that we cannot improve it (well maybe not with the Mona Lisa Smile – but you know what I am talking about).  Thus we may savor the moment of our success and glory but it would be prudent to heed the words of David and see if we can improve upon our last achievement – before our competition does!

Finding something better to do symbolizes that there is always a higher value that we can achieve and aspire to.  An author can write a book and enjoy his new found celebrity status.  However, finding something better to do would mean that the author must now go beyond his last work and once again challenge himself.  The same would apply to a sportsman, a student or a businessman.

There are many benefits to what David advised us.  It improves our relationships across all levels, reduces anxiety and stress, encourages an open approach and attitude – and as paradoxically as it may seem, it enhances one’s self-confidence.

Copyright – Nitesh Kotecha

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