Saturday, January 21, 2012

Give A Hug!

We need 4 hugs a day for survival. We need 8 hugs a day for maintenance. We need 12 hugs a day for growth - Virginia Satir

We all have various expressions for communicating our affection for another.  However, our body language reflects our affections.

Our need to share or bask in another person’s aura prompts us to hug that person.  Metaphysics explain the pockets of energy shortfall that occur in our aura.  Our thoughts and reactions to life events deplete our aura.  We then have an urge to replenish this deficit and we thus increase our proximity to someone whom we perceive to have an abundance of such energy.  This is the reason a crying child feels comfort in the arms of a loved and trusted one.

It is difficult to accept the concept of energy and its loss in physical and tangible terms.  However, the idea that we do not understand something until we have a picture of it in our heads is a by- product of the Newtonian way of looking at the world.  If we want to understand that, we have to get past Newton.

Here is the deal – Go out and Give a Hug.  It is easy to give a hug to children.  The trick is to get out of your comfort zone.

All the Best.

©Nitesh Kotecha

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