Thursday, January 19, 2012

The Overflowing Cup

There is a zen story…

A university professor with multiple PhD’s and extensive studies went to Japan and sought out a Zen master who was known to have great knowledge of the sublime.

The Master welcomed the Professor and invited him in, offering tea. As the Master was preparing the tea, the Professor listed all his degrees and experiences and studies, going on and on showing how much he knows.

The Master was quiet all this time, attentively preparing the tea and listening to the professor.  As the professor kept talking, the master poured the tea, filling the cup, and kept on pouring. When the professor noticed the tea overflowing from the cup - he cried out; “Master, the cup is full.  You are pouring more tea over it.”

The master replied; “As the cup is full, putting more tea in is only a waste. It must be empty first to receive and hold what it gets.”

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