Friday, October 28, 2011

Focus On A Few Things

The ability to achieve depends on your ability to focus on a few things.

One cannot drink the ocean.  A career decision, the choice in formal education etc – all these depend on your ability to select a specialized area of knowledge and then focus on it.  This is the way to excellence.  Spreading our attention too thin does lead to under-performance.

The root of this predicament can be drawn to bad parenting.  Dominating parents do unconsciously make decisions on their children’s behalf while the children are in their formative years.  The children do loose ability to think through the consequences of those decisions largely on account of the credibility associated with the parents as well-wishers.   The loss of ability to think through gradually eats into the basic ability to make decisions.

During the course of my teachings, I have met many students who are lost.  They are lost in terms not understanding what they are doing, why they are doing whatever they are doing, and most importantly - what they should do.  They pursue their education in an auto pilot mode where somehow the School and College seem to have taken the responsibility to perfect its student.

Parents need to ensure that they are more focused on helping their child develop their focus by gradually manoeuvring them into what it really is that they want.  Manipulation can be the enemy here if the parents are actually cajoling them into their own unfulfilled dreams and not what the child really wants.

Copyright - Nitesh Kotecha

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