Thursday, October 20, 2011

Your Next Three Years

Why would you want your next three years to be like the last three years?

I see this as a pertinent question.  Inability to embrace change could be a reason.  This question can have us tossing and turning in our heads.  Let us look at this.

Are we change- ready?  A pre-requisite to being ready for change is level of self-esteem the individual has.  Let us not confuse self-esteem with pride.  Self-esteem is derived from experiences and by being effective in at your work place.

Are you motivated enough to embrace the change that may occur?  Do you have that fire in your belly that will motivate you and propel you forward irrespective of the fact that you may be out of your comfort zone?

Change occurring at an individual level requires you to communicate effectively to those who have emotional investments in you.  In case you are in an organization, change becomes a team effort.  Performance can come under risk depending on how change “occurs” in each member’s frame of mind.

Management Guru Deming talked about driving out fear from an organization.  Fear, whether at the organizational or at a personal level, is immobilizing and reduces our appetite for change.  Fear encourages us to avoid speaking assertively, risk taking and finding path breaking solutions.

This idea now takes us to another question “What would you do if you had no fear?”

Let us leave its answer for another blog!

Copyright – Nitesh Kotecha

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