Saturday, October 22, 2011

Just Be Glad

O heart of mine, we shouldn't worry so,
What we have missed of calm
we couldn't have, you know!
What we've met of stormy pain,
And of sorrow's driving rain,
We can better meet again, If it blow.

We have erred in that dark hour, we have known
When the tear fell with the shower, all alone.
Were not shine and shower blent
As the gracious Master meant?

Let us temper our content with His own.
For we know not every morrow can be sad;
So forgetting all the sorrow
We have had,
Let us fold away our fears,
And put by our foolish tears,
And through all the coming years,
Just be glad.

By James Whitcomb Riley.

There is a way to be glad.  Go back to the basics.  Peace, Joy and Happiness.  This is the root of all we want.  This attitude does not come easily.  We have to understand this intellectually and intuitively.

Hindu philosophy has a standard rationalization for all events – “Whatever happens, happens for the good”.  This can be very difficult to explain or implement for example, to someone who has lost a parent or child or a family member.  Nevertheless, there is merit in the statement.

Faith and a spiritual approach to life come to our assistance. To quote Pippa “God’s in his heaven; All is right with the world”.  It is difficult to accept this ideology as we often use God as our errand boy and forget the organizational hierarchy and God’s supreme position in the process!!!

The bible suggests "Be careful for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, make your requests known unto God". (Phil 4:6.)

“And the peace of God which passeth all understanding shall keep your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.” (Phil. 7. 7.)

Have a peaceful day !

Copyright – Nitesh Kotecha

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