Tuesday, October 18, 2011

On Finding Peace

There is this story of the small cat and the big cat.  The small cat was turning round and round while the big cat passed by.  The big cat enquired as to why the small cat was tossing around.  The small cat replied “I am trying to catch my tail”. “Ahh!” the big cat said.  “Let me tell you something from my experience about our funny tail.  The more you chase it, the more it gets away from you.  However, if you just keep doing your own thing, the tail has no choice but to follow you.”

I feel that finding peace has a similar situation.  We cannot find peace.  PEACE COMES.  How does it come?  Well, it comes when we stop doing the things that block peace from our lives.

Take satisfaction, for instance.  We have an eternal struggle about wanting much and still not being happy with what we have got.  Parents can take a long time before they realize that their narrow view of what constitutes satisfaction has been transferred by way of a personality to their children.

The ability to forgive lies at the core of allowing peace to enter our lives.  The inability to forgive creates much of the exhaustion that we have.  The mental chatter can take away whatever opportunities the surrounding environment may offer us for an alpha state.

I feel we can choose to work on the basis of the above observations and see where it takes us.

Copyright – Nitesh Kotecha

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